So I'm no stranger to how much work it takes, how to price and make it worth the time and effort.
Next weekend I will be hosting my second fund raiser sale. Those are vastly different from hosting one of my own. Most items are donated and when I started I didn't know what I would end up with. There can be really interesting items.
This time I've been blessed with beyond amazing weather! It's tough anyway, but being super hot working all day in a heat oven is not fun!
Yesterday my dear friend Becki brought over her crew of family members to help. I provided pizza and brownies and assigned jobs to where I thought everyone would be most useful. Her grandson started making these amazing poster board signs despite the dizzy high I am sure he was getting from the big black markers!
Today I had amazing help from our church youth and my daughter's boyfriend. The boyfriend needed a bit of supervision to stay on task as he was pretty distracted by some of the toys including an interactive dinosaur.
I write all this to say my garage is packed, there is still work to be done, and yet I know the sale will be beyond my expectations. God provided the means and all I have to do is provide the hard work.
It's going to be amazing and God will get all the glory. Stay tuned!
Toy knives are fun! |
What? I have a mohawk? |