Sunday, October 27, 2013

Long Overdue Update/Huge progress

Well Chris retired and I thought life would slow down. WRONG! Life is going at warp speed.
Isaac is making tremendous strides. He can now eat everything! Remember the 12 month old who came home not eating solid foods? His fine motor skill of the pincer grasp has been improving to (finally) the point of self feeding. This is such a huge thing because he used to screech for us to either feed him or place snacks in his mouth. Not great if you are dining out. He is also CRAWLING!
Isaac has been receiving physical therapy once a week and it is paying off.
He is expressive and engaging with us. His nystagmus is so slight, I barely notice his eyes moving. he makes good eye contact and is becoming attached to us. He no longer is the blank baby who would let anyone hold him. He now knows his mama, daddy, big sissy and brother, and won't let anyone else hold him. He delights in Ellie's constant chatter and crawls to catch up with her.
The only thing we've noticed is his reaction to strange places. He doesn't like the Sunday School nursery room and cries a lot.  Perhaps it reminds him of the orphanage? One thing I've learned about early trauma is I do not want to further compound or impede attachment or have negative pathways made stronger in his brain.  I sing in the church choir, so it's a bit of a juggling act on Sunday mornings. In a year or so when he is more verbal and understanding of his surroundings  we will look back on this crazy time and it hopefully will have flown by. For now we must keep squeaks and squeals to a minimum in worship!

I recently upgraded to a new camera and am trying to improve my photography skills. I'm sharing a few pics of Ellie taken last week.

Since life is so crazy I am going to leave you with a few videos which document all of Isaac's progress.

September making progress
